Thursday, June 9, 2011

Journey of Redemption

It occurred to me today, as I near the end of what I hope will be my final edit of Redemption, that I have read this book at least six times. Every time I read it, I find something to change. So when is enough, enough already? It's time to send this story out into the cut-throat world of literary agents and publishing houses.

When I walk past book stores, I think to myself, every one of these books has it's own story. A story that goes beyond the ink-filled pages and the glue covered binding. Not many people stop to consider that when they pick up a book and turn it over to read the jacket, they're actually holding someone's dream in their hands.

I wonder how many closets, boxes, and flash drives are filled with pages of author's dreams, amazing stories that were rejected for one reason or another, buried under pages of rejection letters. What does it take to see a dream become a realty? Let's find out...I invite you to join me on the Journey of Redemption.

This is the first of a weekly blog that will follow an author through to publication. If you are an author, published or unpublished, or just a lover of literature, please join my blog and share your experiences. My goal is to share, educate, and provide resources along the way that will help authors who are trying to break into the literary market.


  1. Exciting, Melynda! I'm looking forward to following your blogs.

  2. What a great way to help other writers like myself with our journey to getting published. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Everything we learn from following your blog is something we won't have to learn the hard way on our own.

  3. I'm just finishing a novel that I'm getting ready to submit. There are so mant literary agents and publishing houses, it's hard to know where to begin. Any suggestions? I'm looking forward to following your blog on Redemption.
